Monday, April 6, 2015

Pizza Party!

Today I thought I would share some mini pizzas and soft drinks I made!

I am by no means an expert and I still need lots of practice.

I typically only work in 1:12 scale, but I do make some 1:6 scale items when selling at a local market or craft sale, as 11.5 inch dolls seem to be popular for younger people (and maybe some older people, too!) I also wanted to practice with the bigger pieces until I got the hang of it, but I still need much more practice. I have also considered making some of these into charms which I think would go over well with younger people.

1:6 and 1:12 pizzas!
As you can see, I made 5, 1:6 scale, and 1, 1:12 scale, pizzas. Plus some 1:6 scale soft drinks. I think I've got the shading part on the pizzas okay, but I think my liquid clay needs a little work! I definitely need to improve my pepperoni making, or maybe just make cheese pizzas in the future! Also, the smaller (1:12) pizza could also work as a real life personal size 6 inch for a Barbie size doll.

The soft drinks are cola, orange and sprite! I think the orange pop is a little off in shading and maybe perhaps the cola is too dark. I made them using FIMO liquid clay mixed with chalk pastels for shading and then added vase filler for ice cubes. Overall I like them, but I they could use a bit more tweaking!

Here are some more pictures that focus more on individual pieces.
1:6 pizza and 1:12 pizza

As you see from the close up pictures, I definitely need more practice!  Please comment and give suggestions on techniques that you use that could help me improve :)

As I practice and make more I will share pictures and how I made them :)

Stay tuned!


  1. Hi Lisa! Wanda shared your blog information with us on the CMHH online list. I love your pizza and drinks. I have seen many pizzas over the years and yours is, by far, one of the best I have seen. Great job! I look forward to reading more! CBC information sounds exciting. I hope we can see it!

    1. Thank you Liz :) I was just playing with the pizza and soft drinks, but now I need to do some more in 1:12 scale :)
      I am looking forward to seeing what happens with CBC too.
